Whispers of the Soul ‘Grow & Glow’

Whispers of the Soul

‘When you Grow, you Glow…’

Haydee: OK…  God…Higher Consciousness… Source of sources…talk to me about something that you believe we need to hear right now…

Soul’s Whispers: Reach out. Reach out. Reach out to help and also to ask for help. Find solace in the company of your fellow humans.

H: Well… there seems to be a lot of despair today. How can two desperate people find comfort in the company of each other?

S: Because when they are together, they create a ‘two’…a couple… Two bodies in motion, creating an experience through which they share something and from which they can grow.

H: You are right…Well, I know you are right😊

I’m thinking of a recent conversation with a friend of mine. We were talking about the various events sprouting from the  ‘enforced restrictions’ that we have been enduring for the past few months. My friend and I concluded that this time of solitude has given us the opportunity to go within and reflect, almost on a daily basis. Since we have had this quiet time to be by and with ourselves, we have been able to delve inside us and observe our egoic mind more closely. From that chat, we came out with more clarity and understanding about the whole process.

S: Great! That is to work with the Soul’s Vision within you.

H: OK since you mention it. Can you explain what does it mean. Which is Soul’s Vision or the Divine’s Vision for us?

S: I envision that you always come from the best shining part of yourself, that part which is luminous and free: the creative soul side of you. To create means to generate something new. Each of your fellow humans is a new creation in itself. You all come with the soul’s spark within you. When you let the spark within Grow, you Glow. You become light.  Others can see you and you can enlighten others. This is what happens when two people get together. They enlighten each other.

H: So your vision for us is that we become YOU?

S: You are Me. And I am You. You are us. And we are you.

H: You are us? Are you sure? I can’t refrain myself from thinking that there are many of us showing incredible amount of shadows today. You are light.

S: And so are you. And everybody else. When you let your soul light up the path you are walking on, you see the road with more clarity. You know where you are walking on. If you know what there is under your feet, the soil feels stable. You trust…

H: Even though I might not very well know where I am going…

S: Exactly. Trusting means ‘having faith’ in you, in the choices you make, and in letting go and letting life flow. When you feel you need ‘to control everything,’ it is because you’re not trusting where you are standing, where you are going, who you are, the choices you make, whom you relate with, and so on.

H: In reality, there’s no certainty about the outcome. Never. But, there’s greater certainty about what we are doing when we feel we are walking on solid ground: meaning when we feel we are ‘anchored.’

S: That’s correct. When your present moment becomes something tangible, you can anchor yourself onto it. And that is all the certainty you can have.

H: Why would you have created for ourselves such an uncertain way of living?

S: Because you also have ‘free will.’ You can choose. It is your choice to live your life in the manner that you choose. As long as you come from the best version of yourself, you’ll feel fulfilled, rewarded, connected and joyful.

H: I see. We also have the free will to choose which version of ourselves we want to show up with.

S: Yes, you do. You have the shadows and the lights inside you: your choice.

H: Well, we know that sometimes that choice becomes a ‘weapon.’

S: Yes. And sometimes it becomes a magic wand. You have the freedom to choose for yourself something that can bring harm to yourself and others, or something that can bring growth and enlightenment.

H: What a task do we have!

S: Actually, it is more of a gift than a task. If you see the ability to choose the creation of your best self as a gift, you’ll enjoy every moment of your life. Who doesn’t like to unwrap a gift?

H: Well, I couldn’t agree more with that. Well said. You are Souls’ Source after all!





The Phoenix Bird


Releasing Fears and Limitations