Releasing Fears and Limitations


Information and examples provided on the video and on the blog differ. Both listening to our conversation and reading the blog are worthwhile opportunities to either review or learn about this topic.

When making decisions, are you coming from Fear or Love-Based Emotions?

Limiting beliefs are mostly, ‘inherited,’ generated during childhood and cemented in our psyche through the experiences within our own circles and cultural stereotypes. Once we become conscious of our own limiting beliefs, it is a question of bringing awareness to the ownership of these beliefs: Whom these beliefs about myself belong to?  Do these limiting beliefs belong to other people who have influenced me or to me? And then it is a question of implementation and practice so this type of belief, or spell, can disappear. We reset our minds, and practice a new way of being through our hearts, where Limitlessness becomes our Faith and our Truth.

Fears, are all the emotions which do not come from a loving space; we are in fear when displaying challenging emotions such as Anxiety, Rumination, Hopelessness, Loneliness, Worthlessness, Sadness, Lethargy, Demotivation, among many others.

FEAR-based beliefs and actions

F-E-A-R : Fabricates-Eliminates-Antagonizes-Resists.

Fear Fabricates Stories. Fear makes up narratives that we believe. For example, suppose somebody called Paul,  ‘learned’ during childhood that he is ‘not good enough’ for athletics or academics. In that case, his egoic mind-the most outstanding horror story manufacturer of all- ‘tells and shows’ Paul through very vivid storytelling, how incompetent he is. Through these stories, Paul will remember how difficult and frustrating it has always bee to learn something new. Thoughts such as: “Well, what’s the point in trying to learn a new language (or sport), at this age, if I know I suck at it. Everybody used to call me, ‘clumsy’  when I was a kid!’ Paul is then the main protagonist of his own ‘ horror story.’  You can imagine how dense and obscure the plot can turn for Paul. This is a story that doesn’t elevate Paul. He tells himself a story that catastrophizes and entraps. And a person like Paul, who lives life from a place of limitations, will always feel trapped and unfulfilled, even angry.

Fear Eliminates Possibilities. Paul, ‘convinced’ of his incompetence, will be ridden by the negative perception about himself of not being good enough. He will be unable to see opportunities that are opening to him, such as learning something new. Therefore, he won’t perceive the fresh possibilities that life presents because he is already ‘refusing the idea’ that he can learn something challenging, even if investing his whole heart and mind.

Fear Antagonizes. When in this mindset, one gets angry and fights back. If Paul’s best friend approached Paul with the suggestion to, for instance, join a tango class, Paul would try very hard to convince his friend of how bad he is at dancing and how useless that class would be for him. Paul’s friend would offer words of support and encouragement but Paul would fight back, feeling annoyed and even angry at his friend.

Fear Makes You Resist. Again, the more options and possibilities Paul’s friend offers, the more refusal and anger Paul will demonstrate. Paul, in reality feels that he is protecting himself by rejecting his friend’s outrageous ideas. Paul’s friend is making Paul consider to get out of his comfort zone. However, Paul’s mindset is programmed to generate scary stories about the idea of renewal and growth, so Paul is doing whatever it takes from having to change the beliefs he holds about himself.  His limiting beliefs, after all, have been Paul’s lifetime companions. Limiting beliefs make Paul in his comfort zone. Paul feels safe!

LOVE-based beliefs and actions

L-O-V-E: Limitless-Open-hearted-Valiant-Expansive.

Imagine what Paul could do if he were able to change his mindset from ‘limiting’ to ‘limitless.’

Love is Limitless: Open to embrace life as it is. Open to accept that uncertainty is a path towards change. Uncertainty has always been part of life. Is uncertainty going to deter us from becoming whom we want to be or will it ignite in us the passion for adaptation, change and a mindset of prosperity?

Love is Open-hearted: We open our hearts to compassion: feeling compassion for ourselves and for others. Through understanding and kindness, it is easier to arrive at the mindset of acceptance, forgiveness and transformation.

Love allows us to be Valiant and Vulnerable: We become brave to face our weaknesses. We face our challenging emotions, and we put ourselves in motion understand and integrate our difficult emotions.

Love is Expansive: We grow and let others grow. We help others grow with us: Wevolve!


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