Going In Circles!

Information and examples provided on the video and on the blog differ. Both listening to our conversation and reading the blog are worthwhile opportunities to either review or learn about this topic.

Have you ever felt that you wanted to move straight to one direction, but instead, you kept revolving over and over around the same axis?

If you did, raise your hand.

I’m raising mine!

Well, in this case, this is not exactly what I mean by going in circles. I’m now talking about the creative process and the spinning effect that is associated with it. When Carly and I started to play together, I refuse to call it work, envisioning Limitless Arising, we immediately plunged into the creative process! It was a happy jump into the uncertainty of the unknown, without any other help than that of our passionate hearts.  

From conception to birth of this baby of ours, we  noticed that we share very similar patterns in regards to behaving, thinking and feeling, during the creative process. In the early stages, I said to her one day, ‘Carly, please bear with me. I might seem crazy sometimes, but when I create, I go in circles. So,  creative ideas are not going to be manifested instantly or in a linear and even chronological fashion. They will be materialized after I go around in circles for a bit. But I promise that I know what I’m doing!’

You most surely know the connotation of the idiomatic expression going in circles, so I thought Carly would drop the ball, or the towel after hearing that.  Anyway, her answer was, ‘No problem. I also create in spirals.’  

On our next Zoom meeting, unfortunately not recorded, we tried to explain, analyze, decipher and finally happily  accept our ‘ripple effect type’ creative process. We agreed that as long as the circles keep expanding outwards, there’s nothing wrong with ‘going in circles’ as long as you are creating. We felt proud and happy of validating each other with such conviction!

And here we are, on our usual Zoom meeting, 9 months after that talk, discussing the development of our business website, brainstorming ideas for the first content of our blog, wrapping up the packaging and delivery of our first online workshop: Creating the Limitless Self, and at the same time exchanging views on Dr. Nassim Haramein’s talk:  The Spinning Universe, which Carly has introduced to me. Even though to an outsider this scene would look confusing, remember that our creative circles are always expanding outwards, never stuck or shrinking!

Aha! Moment... and  Carly says, ‘What about if we use his talk for a first Vlog?’ 

Let me clarify something, when Carly makes suggestions, I have the tendency to say, ‘YES,’ right away. Partly because she is very smart and she usually has a very good sense of things, so I trust in her judgement, but also because I find a common resonance, affinity, artistry, self-deprecating sense of humour and crazy zest for innovation! You get the gist, right?

Well, I’m not really sure about what is going to happen in our first Vlog, but we’ll give it a try and see whether Dr. Haramein’s scientific discoveries can shed some light on the conclusion we have arrived at: our creative process is always circular, never linear, with a tendency for outward expansion, even though sometimes when circling, we might feel STUCK.

We hope you can get useful information out of our first Vlog. And, if not, well … our wish is that L.A. would become your treasure chest companion, in which you’d find resources for information, inspiration, motivation, education, support, guidance, mentorship and also entertainment! Therefore, we won’t feel ‘less than,’ if you are only entertained with the topic of our first Vlog: ‘Going In Circles,’ after all a cheerful heart ignites positive motivation, which leads to limitless creation. 

Reference: Nassim Haramein - Quantum Revolution, “Gaia is proud to present a comprehensive series from Nassim Haramein who offers a quantum revolution to the way we think about the universe, quantum mechanics, consciousness, and our spiritual connection.”

Link: www.gaia.com/series/quantum-revolution


Releasing Fears and Limitations