Limitless Open-hearted Valiant Evolving


Our Story

A few words from Haydee:
I was searching for a like-minded artist to co-found a business with, and Carly seemed like a perfect fit. Despite only knowing her from non-profit events, I admired her art and shared my business idea with her. Carly was enthusiastic, and we immediately began designing the concept, content, and business model together. Our creative process flowed effortlessly, which we fondly called 'in spirals.' We quickly settled on the name "Limitless Arising," reflecting our shared beliefs in self-awareness and positive change. Our vision for the business is to bring together people who share our values to foster innovation and collaboration, evolving towards a more loving and interconnected, rooted in love and not in fear.


Maya Angelou has once said, ‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ I believe that people never forget their moments of self-awareness and growth. With this in mind, I invited Carly to co-founder LIMITLESS ARISING in 2020.

Through a lifespan in South and North America, I've gathered diverse experiences that have deeply shaped me. I've taught English across age groups, held leadership roles, and volunteered for various organizations supporting marginalized families. Transitioning my career path to clinical counseling, I'm today passionate about promoting self-awareness and growth through private practice and workshops. I value others' perspectives and aim to help people discover their potential early on. I enjoy mindfulness, the healing arts (a mix of traditional and holistic), literature, and applying what I learn about the development of the brain and the impacts of human emotions to the body in my personal and professional life. Family and community connections are vital to me, and I'm dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

A few words shared about Haydee

“I have gained amazing knowledge and growth with Haydee. I have been doing self lead spiritual healing work for a little over a year and during just two visits with her, I was able to go to a much deeper level! Haydee is truly an amazing human and spiritual guide that I would recommend to anyone that is ready to dive deep into their subconscious to encourage self healing and allow for big life changes. She is a very kind, trusting and open person without any judgements. I feel very comfortable and safe when she is guiding me into my subconscious.’”

- Alyssa 

My encounter with Haydee's wisdom, patience, and compassion and her ability to help you deepen your insight has been a turning point in my life. I have transitioned from being confused and puzzled about certain aspects of my life to seeing things clearly with a great understanding. A significant source of unrest has been removed from my life, and I am moving forward with joy and confidence. Thank you, Haydee!

- William

‘“I have thoroughly enjoyed my sessions with Haydee and have found them very helpful. She creates a safe space where she guides you to a process that will help you tune into your body to connect, identify and speak to your emotions. By doing so she helps you to discover a way to communicate with the wisdom of your own body. This has brought me to a place of peace, self-awareness and self-compassion.’”


“Haydee has helped me and several members of my extended family tremendously in transitioning through major life events and decisions. In the passing of my parents and in-laws Haydee was there to guide and assist with their onward journeys. It has been an absolutely fulfilling experience which gave our family great comfort and confidence.

 Haydee's compassion and love for her fellow being is shining through all her work. I wholeheartedly recommend Haydee to you if you are in need of spiritual guidance or healing.’”

- Karen


As an accomplished visual artist and designer, I founded Vivo Fine Art & Design after graduating from UCFV's graphic design program in 2003. My work spans custom paintings, murals, illustrations, logos, and interior design, blending my love for art with a passion for creating functional, beautiful spaces. With a keen sensitivity to both physical and non-physical senses, I've explored various self-development modalities, including Reiki. I teach intuitive painting techniques and channel messages of freedom and equality through my art. As a co-founder of Limitless Arising, I contribute to visual and technical design while innovating new products and services that promote freedom, creativity, and compassion for a more joy-filled and magical life experience.

A few words shared about Carly

“Carly is a very intuitive, compassionate and gifted person. As an artist, her paintings come alive with many elements of life and passion. Her talents compliment her in the workshops she leads. She creates a wonderful space and encourages people to feel relaxed, comfortable and find out just what one can create through meditation and the natural, intuitive art of painting. I have attended many of her workshops and every time, I am always excited to find out what I am truly capable of. Thanks to Carly, I feel truly happy with my life, more at peace and excited to learn more of talents from within myself.

I recommend her workshops to anyone who would like to find a path to greater expectations in their lives, to find out how to tap into your personal talents and to create a better life.”

- Nancy

“Carly is a talented knowledgeable, kind- hearted, inspiring, compassionate artist and mentor. She is naturally savvy with nourishing ones’ inner creativity to flow smoothly from inside of you, through your paint brush and on to the canvas, even for those with little to no experience painting.

Carly’s free flowing energy enables you to express yourself. She makes you feel at ease with her clear and effective communication techniques. Her workshops provide a peaceful ambience and have a very welcoming atmosphere, which allow you to relax and enjoy the experience with your spiritually and painting. Thank you for all that you have taught me and all that I still have to learn from you!”

- Kirsten

“Some of my most rewarding artistic experiences have happened while taking part in one of Carly Bouwman’s many intuitive painting classes. She is an excellent instructor of painting techniques and provides helpful examples before each painting session. I love her workshops because they are energizing and inclusive to all, experienced or beginners. Actually the classes are more about letting go on canvas and expressing feelings rather than forms.

Carly has a beautiful spiritual soul and she shows compassion to all in her workshops. She understands Universal energy and how to use it wisely and freely to move past personal blocks and frustrations. She continues to connect with me and reminds me to stay focused and clear of negative thoughts and emotions. Before I do any art I go to my memories of Carly’s teachings and joy exudes as I create.”

- Donna

"Carly is a creative with an innate instinct and talent to relate to our world in different ways to capture and contemplate moments of wonder that we encounter. Whether it be the spiritual capture of our emotions or the technical ability to share her process and skills, she is able to assist in the development/refinement of our visions of the natural world that surrounds us all.

Her intuition and insight will serve you well as you venture along your path...when you come to a fork in the road, take it, embrace it, welcome it...Carly will help with that choice."

- Rick

Let’s Connect!