The Phoenix Bird

The Phoenix Bird is a guided meditation that I was inspired to create in support of a close friend that Covid has heavily impacted. My friend is today feeling stronger and incredibly positive, which I am very grateful for.

August 1st is a significant day to celebrate Pachamama, the Inca name for Mother Earth, considered the mother of the land and the cosmos. On this day, Pachamama is honoured by the indigenous people of the Andes, including Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia; in fact, the whole month of August is devoted to her. The Pachamama Alliance, an organization founded in 2004 by a group of people from the modern western world and indigenous leaders from remote areas of the Equatorial region in the Amazon, states that according to the Incan prophecy, we are in an age now where the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South fly together. This is a time where the earth will awaken, and we will return to our natural ways.

The most significant implied message underlying the celebrations honouring Pachamama during August, I believe, is that as the Pachamama Alliance encourages, ‘we must return to the ways of nature and recognize that we are part of the sun, moon, earth and air. That mother nature is within us, and we are within her.’ These celebrations also nest feelings of sorrow, since Pachamama ‘cries for us, seeing our ignorance, our own selves lost in darkness, out of balance and destruction.’

Carly and I believe that there is a big call (from Pachamama) that urges us to find our way back to balance and thus live life in wholeness again. Pachamama’s message is essentially about ‘transformation.’  While researching information on the significance of August 1st for this post, I said to Carly that I felt that somehow the theme of The Phoenix Bird and the theme of Pachamama’s celebrations share a commonality. Carly sent me a photo of an intuitive painting that she had created years ago and which she felt could be fitting for the themes of the Phoenix Bird Meditation. When I saw the stunning painting, my eyes swelled up in tears, and I felt the birth of the poem, The Phoenix Bird, in my heart. I realized that we, humans, and mother earth need to arise from our ashes as the phoenix bird does. This is the time for humans and the planet to be healing and rebuilding towards wholesome living.

In a nutshell, the meditation, the poem, and the intuitive painting, all done at different times and for different reasons, have beautifully merged, spreading out the same message of recovery and transformation, of metamorphosis, of profound change and renewal. We need to trans (go beyond) form (shape); meaning to go beyond our ‘current form’ if we want to thrive. The way we have personally and collectively done things so far, pillaging the earth and bringing hurtful separation from each other, must immediately stop. We need, and we are, moving towards a time of collaboration, and mutual respect.

With that in mind, Carly and I bring these souls’ offerings in the hopes that they will help you heal, recover and transform yourself so that you can focus on nurturing and expanding your limitless potential to steward our planet and its limitless beauty.


The Phoenix Bird

 Earth Mother

Majestic and embracing,

We vow not to stop learning

From our perennial missteps.


Pachamama of the Globe,

We understand time is of the essence

For us to bring to fruition,

Renewed pledges, sustained undertakings,

Compassion and fervor,

For us to help you heal the scars,

That with little concern we have made to your heart.


 Like The Phoenix Bird, we must arise from our ashes,

And together make the vows

For the crafting of a New Earth, nurtured by our mutual healing powers,

Propelled by the collaboration of our recovery and fueled by the flames of

Our full life’s essence in its limitless presence.


We, humans, are the reborn stewards of Mother Earth’s beauty and affluence,

You are our sacred Goddess, eternally lavish and welcoming,

We vow to you with humility and veneration,

To restore a genuine wealth of harmony and love for your eternal existence…


May we commit in joy and respect,

To safeguard your limitless lands, wildlife, waters, and air.

May our new love creations remain engraved on your face,

Until the end of our days in your motherly nest.




Whispers of the Soul ‘Grow & Glow’